(17) Participation in shramdan activities Organised by
Government departments or Bharat Sevak Samaj – Please
see decision No. 3 under Rule 15. (4) Bharat Sewak Samaj – Permission to central
Government servants to join Ministries are
aware that the Bharat Sewak Samaj is a nationwide, non-official and
non-political organization recently started at the instance of the Planning
Commission with the object of enabling individual citizens to contribute, in the
form of an organized cooperative effort, to the implementation of the National
Development Plan. 2. The Government of India are of the
opinion that in view of the non-political and non-sectarian character of the
Bharat Sewak Samaj and the nature of work in which it will be engaged,
Government servants, should, if they so wish, be encouraged to join the
organization and to participate in its activities provided this can be done
without detriment to the proper discharge of the normal official duties.
Ministries of Finance etc. are, therefore requested to observe the following
instructions in this matter :- (1) Government servants wishing to join the
Bharat Sewak Samaj should obtain prior permission from the appropriate Head of
Office or Department concerned. (2) Permission should be freely granted,
provided the Head of the Office or Department satisfies himself in each case
that participation in the Samaj’s activities will not interfere with the due
discharge by the Government servant concerned of his official duties. If actual
experience in any individual case or class of cases shows that this condition
cannot be satisfied, the permission already granted may be revoked. (3) It
should be made clear to all Government servants concerned that permission to
participate in the activities of the Bharat Sewak Samaj will not absolve them
from the due observance at all times of all the rules and instructions relating
to the conduct and behaviour of Government servants, etc.
[MHA OM No. 25/49/52-Ests., dated 11.10.1952]
Participation in Shramdan activities organized by Government departments or the
Bharat Sewak Samaj A question was raised recently whether central
Government servants can be permitted to participate in a "Shramdan" drive
organized by a State Government with the object of enabling the participants to
devote some time and labour in furthering of the objects and work of public
utility. Participation of a Government servant in such activity in his spare
time is not only unobjectionable but even welcome subject, of course, to the
consideration that such activity does not interfere with the performance of his
official duties. It is, in fact, considered desirable that Government servants
should be encouraged to participate in such activities so long as official
duties of the employees concerned are not unduly interfered with. The
Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to inform the Departments and offices
under them accordingly. It should however, be made clear that these instructions
apply only to activities organized by Government departments or the
Bharat Sevak Samaj and not by private organizations. [MHA OM
No. 25/8/55-Ests. (A), dated 03.05.1955]
Items Specific to Public Cooperation
Section (List – B)
S.No. |
Type of cases |
Final Level of Disposal |
Channel of Submission above the Section Level |
1. |
National Fund for Rural Development (NFRD) |
i) Operational aspects such as acceptance of donations, issuing of receipts,
operation of bank accounts, issue of sanctions, maintenance of accounts
etc. |
JS |
ii) Project proposals – examination thereof, seeking comments of concerned
divisions/Deptts./State Govts. etc. I.B. clearance, monitoring of projects
including field visits |
DS |
iii) Residual matters relating to Section 35 CC and 35 CCA including High
Level Non-statutory Committee |
DS |
2. |
Examination and processing of proposals received from voluntary organisations
for recommendations for allotments of land and for acceptance, of foreign
funds, for clearance of visits of foreign voluntary leaders to public
cooperation projects in India |
JS |
3. |
Residual work including settlement of accounts for the promotion and
strengthening of Yuvak and Mahila Mandals |
DS |
4. |
Residual work on Bharat Sevak
Samaj:- |
i) Court cases on BSS affairs transferred by the Deptt. of Civil
Supplies |
JS |
ii) Settlement of accounts in respect of amount released by the Deptt. of
R.D |
DS |
5. |
Residual work regarding Kudal Commission Report |
DS |

(ix) The Government of Kerala has welcomed the
proposals. However, it is suggested that instead of a Regulatory Authority, the
same functions can be performed by a Special Audit Team, in the Finance
Department. The discretion not being a regular feature, a permanent regulatory
authority may lead to waste of money. For some reasons there is no need to have
a separate judicial authority. The role of the Red Cross or Bharat
Sevak Samaj may be kept separate.
(17) |
Participation in Shramdan/in activities organized by government departments
or the Bharat Sewak Samaj – please see decision No. 3 under Rule 15 |
25 |
15A. |
Government of India Decisions |
(2) |
Participation in Shramdan activities organized by Government departments or
the Bharat Sewak Samaj [MHA OM No. 25/8/55-Estt. (A), dated
03.05.1955] |
85 |
(17) Participation in shramdan activities
Organised by Government departments or Bharat Sevak
Samaj – Please see decision No. 3 under Rule 15.
(4) Bharat Sewak Samaj – Permission to central
Government servants to join
Government of India Decisions Ministries
are aware that the Bharat Sewak Samaj is a nationwide,
non-official and non-political organization recently started at the instance of
the Planning Commission with the object of enabling individual citizens to
contribute, in the form of an organized cooperative effort, to the
implementation of the National Development Plan.
2. The Government of India are of the opinion that in
view of the non-political and non-sectarian character of the Bharat
Sewak Samaj and the nature of work in which it will be engaged,
Government servants, should, if they so wish, be encouraged to join the
organization and to participate in its activities provided this can be done
without detriment to the proper discharge of the normal official duties.
Ministries of Finance etc. are, therefore requested to observe the following
instructions in this matter :-
(1) Government servants wishing to join the
Bharat Sewak Samaj should obtain prior permission from the
appropriate Head of Office or Department concerned.
(2) Permission should be freely granted, provided the
Head of the Office or Department satisfies himself in each case that
participation in the Samaj’s activities will not interfere with the due
discharge by the Government servant concerned of his official duties. If actual
experience in any individual case or class of cases shows that this condition
cannot be satisfied, the permission already granted may be revoked.
(3) It should be made clear to all Government servants
concerned that permission to participate in the activities of the Bharat
Sewak Samaj will not absolve them from the due observance at all times
of all the rules and instructions relating to the conduct and behaviour of
Government servants, etc.
[MHA OM No. 25/49/52-Ests., dated 11.10.1952]