DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - I YEAR PAPER I- CLINICAL BIO - CHEMISTRY One Word Questions 1. The laboratory forms of an Integral parts_______ 2. Diseases causing organism________ 3. The use and maintenance of centrifuge___________ 4. Types of pipettes________ 5. Non marked pipettes are called_________ 6. ____________ to remove infection materials. 7. The infected glass wares should be sterilized before_______ 8. Principle of colorimeter________ 9. Photo detectors used to_______ 10. The O.D. value is dependent on_______ 11. Blank solution is used to_______ 12. Results are calculated by_______ 13. Refrigerator is used for_______ 14. Refrigerant - An organic gas called _____ 15. What degree is used to maintain at Incubator _____________ 16. The thermometer is to measure_________ 17. Solution is homogenous moisture of_______ 18. Any solution prepared for 100ml is _______- 19. pH of the solution isdefined as the negative logarithm in formula_________ 20. Uses of Indicators to determine_______ 2 Marks: 1. Explain the pathogen? 2. Any two code of ethics for lab technician 3. Centrifuge - principle. 4. Any two use & maintenance of centrifuge? 5. Define Bottles? 6. Explain the (a) Flasks? (b) Beakers? 7. Define - Pipettes? 8. Cleaning of Glass wares purpose any two? 9. Preparation of glassware cleaning solution any two? 10. Define - principles of colorimeter? 11. Difference between the galvanometer and photodetectors? 12. Define the two main systems of refrigerators? 13. Use of Incubators? 14. Define unit and Measurements? 15. Types of Solutions? 16. Importance of the pH? 17. Types of Indicators? 18. Define - Buffer solution? 19. Define - Blood Chemistry? 20. Define - Anti coagulant? Write paragraph : (5 Marks) 1. Code of Ethics for lab Technician 2. Principle & Types of centrifuge 3. Write about Glass wares (any 5) 4. Write about notes of pipette with types 5. Preparation of glassware cleaning solution 6. Why the cleaning of glasswares is very important? 7. Introduction and principles of photo electric colorimeter 8. Basic Technique of colorimeter 9. Care and maintenance of Refrigerator 10. Use and care of an Incubator 11. S.I. derived units and Explain the litre, Gram, Mole and Meter. 12. PH definition and Importance of pH 13. Classification of Buffers and Application. 14. i) Introduction of Blood Chemistry. ii) Seperation of plasma & serum 15. Changes in Blood on keeping. 16. Write about Anticoagulant and its types. Write an Essay : (15 Mark) 1. Write about glasswares used in laboratory. 2. Write about photo electric colorimeter with neat diagram. 3. Write about solution and its Types 4. Write about Microscopical Examination of urine with neat diagram. 5. Write about Fractional test meal analysis with procedure. 6. Examination of gastric juice specimens. 7. Test for free and Total acid in G.J. 8. Estimation of Blood sugar in folin WU (oxidation Reduction) method. 9. Estimation of Blood sugar by Ortho Toludine Method 10. Explain the preservatives of the urine and Blood. DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - I YEAR PAPER II - CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITALOGY ONE WORD QUESTIONS 1. _____________ is the father of microbiology. 2. Process of Killing of pathogenic microorganism is called as _____________. 3. Process of Killing of Micro Organism is called as ______________. 4. Sterilization of metallic objects by holding them in flame is called as ___________. 5. Bacteria is defined as ____________ organisms. 6. Engulfment of cells is called as ____________. 7. Parasites grow on ____________. 8. Foot of the microscope is ____________ shaped. 9. Example for solid culture media is ____________. 10. Example for semisolid media is ____________. 11. Example for enriched media is ____________. 12. Largest organism in bacilli is ____________. 13. Example for gram positive cocci ____________. 14. The pH of the stool varies from ____________. 15. The cholera stool is called as ____________. 16. An example for animal parasite is ____________. 17. Shape of the cestode is ____________. 18. Example for common round worm is ____________. 19. Example for pinworm or seat worm is ____________. 20.Example for blood parasite is ____________. TWO MARKS: 1. Define Microbiology 2. Define sterilization 3. Define vaccine bath. 4. What is pasteurization? 5. What is phagocytosis? 6. Define Parasites. 7. Define Actinomycetes 8. What is culture media? 9. What is Blood agar? 10. Write about Macconkey agar medium. 11. What is Gram staining? 12. What is cytoplasm? 13. What is plasmid? 14. Write about Entamoeba histolytica 15. Classify the helminths. 16. Write about Entamoeba coli 17. Define blood parasites. 18. Define Parasitology 19. Define Pathogen 20. Define symbiosis. 5 MARKS 1. Write about chemical sterilization. 2. Write about classification of bacteria based on energy source. 3. Write in short about Mycoplasma & Actinomycetes. 4. What are the types of culture media? 5. Write about motility test (Hanging drop method) 6. Write about simple staining. 7. Write about pili and fimbriae 8. Write about the collection of urine for examination. 9. Write about methyl - red test. 10. Write about Entamoeba histolytica 11. Write about non - pathogenic amoebae 12. Write about the classification of Helminths. 13. Write in short about blood parasites. 14. Write about life cycle of E Histolytica 15. Write in short about plasmodium vivax. 16.Write about plasmodium falciparum 15 MARKS: 1. Explain about Kingdom concept with diagram. 2. Write about sterilization methods. 3. Write about microscope and draw diagram. 4. Explain about morphological study of bacteria. 5. Explain about the structure of bacteria 6. Write about bacterial growth products. 7. Write about microscopic examination of stool sample. 8. Explain the pathogenecity and lab diagnosis of E Histolytica 9. Write about pathogenicity of Entamoeba histolytica 10. Write about various sample collection methods & inoculation DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - I YEAR PAPER III - HAEMATOLOGY BLOOD BANKING & HISTOPATHOLOGY I. FILL IN THE BLANKS : 50 1. __________ is study about blood. 2. Tissue taken from living boy is_____________ 3. Red blood contains ________ 4. ___________is called Bio-anticoagulant 5. Dr. Land stainer discovered________________ 6. Cell count chamber another name is__________ 7. Blood Bank anticoagulant called as __________ 8. Large RBC is called ____________ 9. EDTA full definition_______ 10. ESR pipette is called as_________ 11. Main function of platelet is_________ 12. Normal total leucocyte count is_______ 13. __________is the largest cell found in blood. 14. ________produces heparin. 15. Function of Lymphocyte is________ 16. Best size of finger prick_______ 17. Decreased level of Hb is ______ 18. Anti D season is taken from ______ 19. ___________ human body. 20. Hemoglobin present is ______ 21. Neutrophil another name is___________ II. TWO MARKS : 40 1. Write about antibody. 2. Write about universal donar. 3. The action of EDTA. 4. What are granulocytes. 5. What is Acid Haematin. 6. In which cell Basophill stippling present. 7. What is cylology ? Explain. 8. Write the action of vitamin k. 9. What are Agranulocyte. 10. Explain rhesus factor. 11. What is hemoglobin. 12. Write the use of sodium citrate. 13. What are the combinations of RBC Hayem’s fluid 14. What is Leukaemia ? Explain. 15. Write any five types of Anaemias? 16. Write about Haemometer. 17. Write about Eosinophil ? Explain. 18. Why ‘o’ blood group called universal donar. 19. Write the use of medical laboratory. 20. The principle of blood clothing. III. FIVE MARKS : 25 1. Write about the methods of Histopathology processing. 2. How can you do capillary blood taking method. 3. What are the urinary parasite. 4. Write the development of leucocytes. 5. Diagrammatically describe the difference of Neutroophil and Eosinophil picture. 6. Write about Histopathology dehydration method. 7. What are the functions of blood. 8. Describe about erythrocyte and the function. 9. How can you prepare this smear. 10. Reason for error in pcv test in Haematocrit. 11. What is Haemolytic Anaemia explain. 12. Write the calculation of Leucocyte count. 13. What is the meaning for biopsy impregrination. 14. How many types of blood group in human blood. 15. Explain the steps for blood clothing factor. 16. How can you do Leishman’s staining method. IV. 15 MARKS 1. Describe Diagrammatically about WBC, DLC count. 2. Explain the parts of microscope with diagram. 3. Explain the types of Anemias (any 5 types). 4. Write the chat of blood grouping with diagram. 5. How can you do blood Haematocrit test of wintrobe’s method. 6. Describe the diagram of ESR westergreen method. 7. Explain tissue fixatives types. 8. Explain the process of biopsy examination. 9. Write about the types of anti coagulant and the actions. 10. Write about the types of anticoagulant and the actions. DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - II YEAR PAPER - I -CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY ONE WORDS 1. Purpose of the collection of urine_________ 2. The waste products that are excreted by kidney_______ 3. Abnormal constituentes of urine are blood___________ 4. Example for urine preservatives________ 5. The types of casts found in urine__________ 6. Proteinuia means____________ 6. Ketonaemia means_________ 7. The normal special gravity of urine __________ 8. Principle of colorimeter________ 9. Osmotic pressure______ 10. PH of a solution? 11. The normal pH of blood_________ 12. Glycogenesis means______ 13. Normal fasting blood glucose level______ 14. Coenzyme means__________ 15. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism_________ 16. Enzyme is a____________ 17. Fat soluble vitamins_________ 18. Essential for blood coagulation______ 19. Prothrombin activity is measured by the determination of______ 20. Thyroide secreted by the hormones________ 2 MARKS: 1. Define - enzymes? 2. Any two factors affecting enzyme actions? 3. Explain the "polyuria"? 4. Define Anticoagulants? Any two? 5. Types of Jaundice? 6. Serum transaminases? a. SGOT b. SGPT 7. Procedure of the 24 hour's urine collection? 8. Function of the kidney? 9. Define - types of chromatography? 10. Principles - of the chromatography? 11. Define -Alkaptonuria 12. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism? 13. Disorders of protein metabolism? 14. Normal values of the blood and urine? 15. Define - ketonuria? 16. Define - cuvette and fitters in photo electric colorimeter 17. Define noctunia 18. Define Albinism 19. Classification of proteins 20. Function of thyroid hormones 5 MARKS: 1. Types of enzyme? 2. The preparation and standardisation of N / 100 NaOH? 3. Define the properties of fat? 4. Classifications of proteins? 5. Classification of amino acids? 6. Classification of carbohydrates? 7. Define the diabetes mellitus? 8. Define the types of anticoagulants? 9. Glucose tolerance Test (GTT). 10. Biochemical analysis of body fluids? 11. Define the pregnancy test? i) BCG Method ii) Gravondex method? 12. Define the collection and preservative for urine? 13. Define the normal cells that are seen in urine? 14. Define the chief functions of the kidney? 15. Define the thyroid gland with neat diagram? 16. Define the blood gases? 15 MARKS: 1. Explain the Renal function Tests. 2. Explain the liver function tests. 3. Explain the kidney function tests. 4. Explain the thyroid function tests. 5. Explain the lipid profile test. 6. Estimation of blood area - method for Diacetyl monoxime method. 7. Explain the serum electrolytes? 8. Explain the enzymes? 1. Serum amylase 2. SGOT 3. SGPT 4. LDH 5. Creatine kinase 9. Explain the micros copical examination of the urine? 10. Analysis of CSF? Any two? a) Estimation of sugar in CSF b) Estimation of proteins in CSF c) Estimation of chloride in CSF d) Detection of globulin in CSF DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - II YEAR CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY ONE WORD QUESTIONS 1. Main method used for isolation of Bacteria is ____________ 2. Root like spreading growth is called as ___________. 3. Reaction occurring in indole production test is identified by adding _____________ 4. Citrate test is used to identify organisms based on their ability to utilize _______________ as carbon source. 5. Voges - Proskaur test is used to differentiate ____________. 6. The choice of drug for streptococcal infection is ____________. 7. ____________ viridans produce ____________ in blood agar. 8. _________ are found in association with ____________. 9. S PneumOniae grow on____________. 10. Meningococcus is ____________. 11. The vibrious form yellow colonies in TCBS medium due to ____________. 12. Mycology is a study of disease caused by ____________. 13. Candida consist of yeast cells and ____________. 14. Virology is the study of ____________. 15. AIDS is caused by ____________ virus. 16. Diarrhea is caused by ____________ 17. ____________ is the major circulating antibody in the blood. 18. VDRL is ____________. 19. ASO test means ____________ 20. Infection of tuberculosis is diagnosed by ____________. TWO MARKS: 1. Define Nutrient Agar. 2. What is the purpose of Hanging Drop Method. 3. Define Antibiotics. 4. Give example for Gram positive cocci. 5. Write about the antigenic characters of Neisseria meningitis 6. Write about the morphology of Vibrio cholerae 7. Write about important Diseases caused by virus. 8. Define pathogen 9. Define Immunity 10. Define Antigen 11. Define Antibody 12. Define Immunoglobulins 13. What is VDRL? 14. What is specimen? 15. Write about the equipments used in RA Test. 16. What in Widal Test? 17. What is RA factor? 18. Write about ELISA. 19. What is Montoux Test? 20. Give examples for serological tests. 5 MARKS: 1. Write about Isolation of bacteria. 2. Write about streak plate method. 3. Write about identification of bacteria on Nutrient agar slants. 4. Write about indole production test. 5. Write about cultural characters of bacteria. 6. Write about Meningococcus. 7. Write about Gonococcus. 8. Write about staining of spores 9. Write about Vibrio Cholera 10. Write about Viruses. 11. Write about active & passive immunity. 12. Draw the structure of immunoglobulin 13. Write about IgG 14. Write about qualitative serum test in VDRL. 15. Write about ELISA & its procedure. 16. Explain any two serological tests. 15 MARKS: 1. Write about the identification of bacteria. 2. Write about the biological properties of bacteria. 3. Explain the Antibiotic Sensitivity test. 4. Write about gram positive cocci and give two examples. 5. Write about gram negative cocci and give two examples. 6. Write about structure of virus. 7. Write about immunity & types of immunity. 8. Write about Immunoglobulins and its structure. 9. Explain about VDRL Test. 10. Write about WIDAL Test. DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - II YEAR PAPER - III - HAEMATOLOGY.BLOOD BANKING & HISTOPATHOLOGY I. FILL IN THE BLANKS : 1. Sperm another name is _________ 2. Antibody present in ________ 3. Blood circulation discovered by________ 4. _____________is the father of modern pathology. 5. ____________stain used in Histopathology. 6. _______is to detect the presence of RH factor. 7. Average size and diameter of RBC is____________ 8. Fluid portion of blood is __________ 9. Bombay blood groups are ___________ 10. Heparin is a Bio-__________ 11. Normal colour index is ___ 12. MLHL definition is__________ 13. ‘o’ group person is a________ 14. Absence of sperm is known as ____________ 15. Low counting of WBC leads to __________ 16. Block holder used in __________ 17. Haemolysis happened in___________ 18. Basophil is in the colour of____________ 19. Eosinophil increased in__________ 20. Liver producing cells are__________ II. TWO MARKS: 1. Explain Haemolysis? 2. Write the formula of Harrie’s Haematorylin stain. 3. Write the main function of plasma. 4. What is decalcification. 5. Write about spermatozoa. 6. Write the expansion GTT test. 7. Write about Bombay group blood. 8. What is Haemopoeisis. 9. Write about Erythropoeisis. 10. How many types of Leukaemia. 11. Reason for ‘AB’ blood group is universal receipiant. 12. Write the principle of ESR test. 13. What is semen? Explain. 14. Buffy coat? Explain. 15. Write about the types of microtome knifes. 16. What is the differences between wintrobes and westergren tube. 17. Write about eosinophil 18. What are granulocyte 19. What is acid haematin 20. Write the action of vitamin – k. III. FIVE MARKS: 1. Write about section cutting of the tissue. 2. Which are the blood parasites.. 3. Write RH-Anti D Serum test method. 4. Write physical fitness for blood alonar. 5. Write about cross matching test. 6. Write about donars screening. Explain. 7. Explain Granulocytes and Morphology. 8. Write the types of spermatozoa. 9. Draw the picture of normal sperm. 10. Write short note about klima’s needle. 11. Write sperm counting fluid formula. 12. Write short notes of our body fluids 13. How can you prepare egg. Albumin fixatine. 14. Write the function of cerebero spinal fluid. 15. How can you maintain muslims specimen. 16. Explain embedding of tissue specimens. IV. 15 MARKS: 1. Explain the method of compatibility test of cross matching. 2. Write the formula about Erytheropoeisis with picture. 3. Describe the various steps of histopathology methods of biopsy tissue. 4. How many types of sperms you know with full diagram. 5. Describe blood coagulatin factors. 6. How can you do RH typing by tube method. 7. Describe about direct coomb’s test. 8. Describe the method of cross matching. 9. Precautions in ABO blood grouping test. 10. How can you do Harrie’s Haematoxylin staining method for the tissue section. |